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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quick Trip to San Antonio

On Tuesday night, I had the pleasure of driving down to San Antonio with Bill and our friend Evan. Another friend Laura is enrolled in the architecture master's program at the University of Texas at San Antonio. It was her program's opening night for their long awaited "The [*] Project" in downtown San Antonio. It was amazing to see what Laura has been up to this semester. I loved seeing all of her hard work come together.

All of San Antonio's neighborhoods were represented by these shapes painted on the ground with their respective neighborhood name painted backwards. When you look into the mirrors the word is then readable. So cool!

Lastly, there was a memory wall where people could draw their own childhood to adult memories and stories. Bill chose to draw Batman... how typical.

Our Plants

I have always loved plants within a home, but was always nervous to give them a try. Until I saw Emily Henderson's blog post about THE fiddle leaf fig tree and I fell in love! The leaves are glossy green and huge! I love what Emily said in her post, "they are big and sculptural and yet super graphic – their leaves are large scale and dark green and it commands attention.  They add sooo much height that they basically become another piece of furniture." And for just around $50 a tree it makes a huge statement in any room. You can't see it here, but I have it placed in a large round basket found at Target.

This next plant is tiny and small, but I love that it is unexpectedly striped. I got it while shopping at the Wimberley Market Days with my friend Brooke. It is called a Zebra Hawarthia and grows similar to other succulents where it needs little to no water and enjoy plenty of sunlight. I love the impact both of these plants have in our living room.